Brae Howard
NO. 08



Neal Santos Photography

Photographer, Restaurateur, Urban Farmer. You can’t pin Neal Santos down.
Movie you are embarrassed that you cried at?
Disney’s Raya, the Last Dragon.
How did you end up in your industry?
I ended up in this industry (media, food photography) through my early years working in news and journalism. I was always drawn to working with people, and the restaurant industry was the most dynamic and exciting beat.
Who would you want to play you in a movie?
Bretman Rock
Favorite activity to pass time when you’re not working?
I am a gym rat and whenever I’m not working I’m probably lifting weights or practicing Muay Thai.
What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve ever been given?
The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given was that the pictures aren’t going to take themselves. At the time I was an intern at the Philadelphia Daily News and while taking a break, eating soup in the cafeteria, my mentor Dave Maialetti told me to essentially get off my ass and get out in the street to make pictures.

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